The main objective of this FDP is to give an intriguing picture about the spectral
Programme The International Conference on Nonlinear Applied Analysis & Optimization is scheduled at the Department
Programme The Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras has been traditionally celebrating the birthday anniversary of
Place: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, College of Science and Humanities, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India
Details: Application deadline: 14 May, 2023
Place: Department of Mathematics B.M.S. College of Engineering (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) Accredited with
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai is organizing a two-week summer school, the Vigyan
To be conducted from October 28-30, 2023 Organized by Department of Mathematics, National Institute of
The term Soft Computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning,